Keeping your trees healthy benefits you, and your property, in many significant ways. There are a few things that have to be done in order to keep trees healthy. They have to be watered and pruned on a regular basis. It’s important to have a good tree service professional help you keep your trees healthy and to assist you when your trees need help. Even though trees require time and care, they are worth having in your yard.

Save Money!

Customer wallet to represent saving money with healthy trees from Stokes Outdoor Tree Service blog

We all want to save money without losing quality, and trees are the perfect answer to help your wallet. You can cut your energy bills by having trees in your yard or by planting new tree saplings. In fact, you can cut your energy bills just by having one tree. It is estimated that just one tree will be able to reduce your energy bills by three percent within 5 years. The average family can save $31 per year just by having one tree. When you keep multiple trees in your yard healthy, you can continue to slash your energy costs.

Are you interested in planting more trees on your property? The USDA offers resources to help you decide what kind of trees are best for your property. Contact us for additional assistance in picking and planting your new trees.

Increase Your Property Value

Jar of coins and stacks of coins with tree saplings growing out showing having trees saves you money and increases property value

Trees can do more than help you with your heating and cooling costs. They are also a cost-effective way to increase the value of your home and property. Some estimations reveal people are willing to pay three to seven percent more for a property with trees than a property without trees. In fact, the USDA Forest Service has stated that healthy trees can increase property value by 10 percent. 

Healthy trees make your home more appealing to people who are interested in buying a home. Homeowners like the way trees look, the fact that they can save on their energy bill, and that trees increase privacy. Help keep your trees healthy by employing a good tree service and watching out for warning signs that your tree may need help.

Help Keep Your Home Comfortable

Stokes Outdoor Tree Service healthy tree vector graphic

Georgia and Tennessee can get quite warm in the summer, but trees help keep your home cooler. They help shade your home, which reduces the amount of heat that is absorbed by your house. According to the United States Department of Agriculture, a healthy, young tree has the cooling capacity of 10 room-sized air conditioners that operate 20 hours a day!

For those of us that have trouble staying warm in the colder seasons, trees can also help to keep your home warm during the winter. They help reduce the amount of wind and cold air that can enter through your doors and windows. You can rely less on your furnace and save money.

Reduce Your Stress

Stokes Outdoor thumbs up with smiley face on thumb encouraging you to have trees to reduce your stress

Research suggests that being around healthy, living trees is good for our mental and social well being. At Stokes Outdoor Tree Service, we know trees are important to our lives in many ways. The most obvious is their role in producing the oxygen we breathe and removing carbon dioxide to help protect our atmosphere, but the benefits to our happiness are apparent every day. A Texas A&M University study found that people who look at trees for just five minutes a day can reduce their stress.

Improve Your Air Quality

Air quality and clouds over blue ridge mountains

Air pollution is a serious environmental concern, and like everyone who lives in beautiful North Georgia and Tennessee, we want to preserve our region. Healthy trees absorb gaseous pollution from our air. They can also hold pollen, dust, smoke, and ash on their surfaces. In addition, trees remove carbon dioxide from the air. The average healthy tree can remove up to 300 pounds of carbon dioxide per year. High levels of carbon dioxide can cause respiratory issues. 

A healthy tree can produce about 260 pounds of oxygen per year. The average person inhales 386 pounds of oxygen in the same year. This means that just one tree in your yard can provide you with over 50 percent of the oxygen you need.

Trees Protect Our Enviornment

Stokes Outdoor healthy tree vector graphic

Trees are a superhero in our environment. Not only can they reduce air pollution, but they can also reduce noise pollution. Additionally, keeping your trees healthy means improved water quality, resulting in less runoff and erosion.

We’re Here to Help

Our tree service experts understand there are a lot of variables that affect the health of your trees. It is important that you have a tree care professional you can trust that knows about the different types of trees in North Georgia and surrounding Tennessee areas so proper care can be given to them. Whether that is trimming and pruning, monitoring potential problems, or removing a hazard, a knowledgeable tree expert can help your trees stay beneficial and healthy for their entire life.

Stokes Outdoor Tree Service Technician